










*1.A resume is your brag sheet, a document thatsummarizes your job experience and education.

2.The ultimate goal: to get you the interview. Yourresume should sizzle not snore.

3.Tip one: remember, looks matter.

4.Your resume must make a great first impression.

5.Use quality paper and make it easy to read. 11 or 12point font keeps it reader-friendly.

6.Tip two: a resume is not your autobiography.

7.Save your life story for the 500-page novel and keepyour resume brief.

8.Only highlight your key credentials. Employers arebig fans of the one-page resume but it is acceptableto have two pages.

9.Tip three: make it easy to get in touch.

10.At the top, put your name in bold and in a biggerfont. List your mailing address, email address, cellphone and Skype.

11.Tip four: keep it logical.

12.Organize your resume into three basic categories:work experience, education, and skills and interests.

13.Under work experience, list your jobs chronologicallyor group them by job function.

14.Make sure you list your work experience in a waythat makes you most attractive to a potentialemployer.

15.Tip five: titles are key.

16.People do judge a book by its cover. You havearound five seconds to make an impression.

17.Make sure your titles are descriptive enough to givethe employer a good idea about what you've done.

18.Tip six: be direct and correct.

19.Use bullet points, not lengthy paragraphs to detailyour experience.

20.Most people will only scan your resume, so yourEnglish grammar and punctuation must beabsolutely flawless.

21.Have someone proofread your resume before itgoes out.

22.Tip seven: make it action-packed.

23.Powerful words convey a strong, talented person.

24.Use action verbs like initiated, directed, created, led,and generated in your work descriptions.

25.Don't use the same action verb twice.

26.Tip eight: be honest with yourself.

27.Take a close look at your resume and ask "Would Ihire me?" If the answer is no or maybe, start over.

28.If the answeris yes, then you're good to go.1.* **

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