Switch Apple Product 大减价!!附完整价格表


Switch Warehouse 推出 Clearance Sale !iPhone, iPad, iPod, MacBook Up 全部便宜卖!是时候买个iPhone用了!

促销活动:Switch Warehouse Clearance Sale

促销日期:26 – 28 February 2016

促销时间:11am to 6pm

促销地点:Switch Queensbay Mall


Terms & Conditions

-All purchases made are at customers own risk
-Warranty duration may vary depending on product.
-Items involved in the clearance are either new / demo units / incomplete sets / ageing products / warranty claimed units.
-Switch will not be responsible for wrongful purchases which may result in items not functioning as intended.
-Products purchased may not include preinstalled softwares such as iWork and iLife. Customers may need to purchase the softwares should they require to use it.
-Cash terms only. Credit card purchases must be valued above RM 1000.
-First come first served basis. No reservations allowed.
-Only 5 persons are allowed into the clearance zone at any one time.
-Switch has the right to amend the terms and conditions without prior notice.

微信ID:Leesharing Line ID: @leesharing *

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Switch Apple Product 大减价!!附完整价格表 Switch Apple Product 大减价!!附完整价格表 Reviewed by leesharing on 22:30:00 Rating: 5
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