U Mobile 让你玩Pokemon Go赢取iPhone 6s!Pokémon Trainers一起参赛吧~


Pokemon Go 在马来西亚开放后,大家都一直捉Pokemon呢!很多商家也推出“Pokemon Go”特别优惠,U Mobile 现在更是让Pokémon Trainers拥有赢取iPhone 6s的机会呢!


活动详情:U Mobile 送出 iPhone 6s

活动条件:必须有玩Pokemon Go 


Step 1: 下载Pokemon Go

Step 2: Take a Screenshot of the Pokemon of the Day

Step 3:上载到Instagram, hashtag #PokéOnz 和 #UMobile

Step 4:使用以下句子为你照片Caption 的开头 I want to power up Pokémon GO with U Mobile because........

Contest period : 10 - 23 August 2016 

给个like 吧!
Line ID: @leesharing ~


U Mobile 让你玩Pokemon Go赢取iPhone 6s!Pokémon Trainers一起参赛吧~ U Mobile 让你玩Pokemon Go赢取iPhone 6s!Pokémon Trainers一起参赛吧~ Reviewed by leesharing on 21:28:00 Rating: 5
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