AirAsia 免费送出Vouchers?假的!分分秒秒盗取你的个人资料!


AirAsia 免费送出Vouchers?假的!分分秒秒盗取你的个人资料! 

就在今天,网上出现了AirAsia 免费送出价值SGD500 的Shopping Voucher! 千千万万不要Click进去!AirAsia表示官方并无送出任何Voucher, 这绝对是Scam。 


点击该网站, 用户就会被要求填写特定个人资料便能获得免费Voucher。大家切忌别填写任何资料,以避免个人资料被盗取!
AirAsia 官方通告:

SCAM ALERT: Promotional scam using AirAsia’s name
Singapore, 29 March 2017 - We are aware of a promotion scam that is circulating via Facebook and other online portals, giving away 240 shopping vouchers worth SGD500 each. The
scam directs to a link and requires participants to answer 5 questions in order to redeem the vouchers.
We would like to confirm that this is a scam, which uses the AirAsia brand without authorisation, to lure the public to participate in its scheme. We strongly advise the public to disregard such scams and not to click on any links or to provide any personal details. AirAsia shall not be held liable for any claims pertaining to the false scheme.
The promotional scam also claims that the vouchers are being given out in conjunction with our 24 years of existence. We would like to clarify that the company has only been operating for 16 years.
All promotions by us are only through our official channels on as well as other reliable and authorised channels, which the airline advertises in.
We will not hesitate to take legal action against individuals or groups who organise illegal schemes using the AirAsia brand.

When in doubt or to report on suspected scams using the AirAsia brand, the public may get in touch with us via our official social media channels.
AirAsia 免费送出Vouchers?假的!分分秒秒盗取你的个人资料! AirAsia 免费送出Vouchers?假的!分分秒秒盗取你的个人资料! Reviewed by leesharing on 19:31:00 Rating: 5
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