麦当劳促销!免费送你吃Ayam Goreng!快Tag你的吃货朋友!


麦当劳促销!免费送你吃Ayam Goreng!快Tag你的吃货朋友!
麦当劳在去年推出了3口吃完Mcchicken 汉堡挑战后,现在又推出最新挑战啦!

麦当劳 最新挑战为:#MostAwesomeBite challenge!只要到任何麦当劳购买Ayam Goreng, 并上传你吃Ayam Goreng的60秒视频, 就有机会赢取价值RM500 的McD Voucher, 还有Ayam Goreng McDTM哦!

促销活动将在3月20日开始至到4月23日!快点 Jio你的朋友一起去挑战吧!用最特别最有新意的吃法来吃Ayam Goreng McDTM 然后上传到Instagram或Facebook吧!

Top 10视频将可以获得RM500 McD Voucher, 而Top 1000 的视频则可以获得免费两支Ayam Goreng McDTM!

Step 1
Head to your nearest McD restaurant and get a box of Ayam Goreng McDTM!
Step 2
Capture your most awesome bite or two of our hot & crunchy Ayam Goreng McDTM in a short video (60-secs max). No talking & we must see the Ayam Goreng McDTM box in your video.
Step 3
Upload your video to Instagram or Facebook and include hashtags #mostawesomebite #ayamgorengmcd
Step 4
Complete your submission by registering with us here.

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麦当劳促销!免费送你吃Ayam Goreng!快Tag你的吃货朋友! 麦当劳促销!免费送你吃Ayam Goreng!快Tag你的吃货朋友! Reviewed by leesharing on 18:24:00 Rating: 5
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