




1.   "Tell Me About Yourself."

(弱)My name is John. I am 22 years old. I have a brother and 2 sisters…
(中)I am a graphic designer with 4 years experience.
(强)I believe that I am the best candidate for this position because …
(强)When I was working on … project, I realized that my career goal is …


2.   "How would people you (have worked) with describe you?"

(弱)I’m not sure. Probably easygoing.
(中)People would say that I’m responsible, enthusiastic …
(强)My supervisor would say that I always think ahead of him. For example …


3.   "Where do you see yourself in five years?"

(弱)I would like to stay in the industry. Maybe I’ll be working for … (更大的公司、面试公司的对手)
(中)I see myself in this company, cooperating with different teams.
(强)I hope that I’ll be an account director by that time, representing A, B and C …
(强)I’m open to a few options … and that’s why I believe the experience here will lead me to the best decision … and that’s why I’m excited about the marketing skills I’ll gain here.

这是你职业蓝图的理想工作,还是你只是来过个水?如果计划继续呆在这家公司,那就要刻画自己的成长。比如说你现在面试的是专员(Account Executive),5 年后你希望自己能当上总监(Account Director)。计划不确定没关系,最主要的是要让面试官了解你对这份工作的重视,还有会在这里稳定工作多少年。


4.   "What is your weakness?"

(弱)I work too hard.
(中)Not that I can think of so far.
(中)I’m too much of a perfectionist sometimes.
(强)My tolerance can be low when my team members do not meet the basic requirement at work. To me, mistakes are acceptable, but not lacking self-discipline. In these cases, I communicate with the members in private and figure out how I can help each of them.


5.   "Why are you the best person for this position?" 或  "What would bring you to this position?"

(弱)I am willing to do my best.
(中)My management experience and ability to take on challenges makes me the best person for this job.
(强)My data mining ability sets me apart from other candidates. For example …
(强)I'm not just an experienced manager. All your candidates must be experienced in communication. However…

注释:『(事情/能力)set apart from(人)』是其中一个好用的句型,其意思就是突显你与其他求职者的不同。


在面试中你所说的第一句话,就能让面试官立刻听出你的英语程度?! 在面试中你所说的第一句话,就能让面试官立刻听出你的英语程度?! Reviewed by we on 19:55:00 Rating: 5
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