最新消息!云顶First World Hotel Indoor Theme Park和First World Cineplex暂时关闭!


最新消息!云顶First World Hotel Indoor Theme Park和First World Cineplex暂时关闭! 
最新消息!!Genting Resort 发出通告表示First World Hotel Indoor Theme Park和First World Cineplex将暂时关闭!

近期内想要去Genting游玩的朋友注意了,First World Hotel Indoor Theme Park和First World Cineplex将从指定的日期开始关闭! 

不过诺是想要去玩SnowWorld、 Genting Bowl、Vision City 和 Funtasy World Video Games Park 则不会受影响,这些设备仍然开放让民众游玩。 

Hey everyone!  

We would like to inform you that our First World Hotel Indoor Theme Park will be closed starting today (4/4/17) and our First World Cineplex will be closed from Thursday (6/4/17) onwards.  We're very excited to unveal to you what comes next in the near future and would like to sincerely apologize for any inconveniences caused during this time period. Do stay tuned for more fun and happenings headed your way。
最新消息!云顶First World Hotel Indoor Theme Park和First World Cineplex暂时关闭! 最新消息!云顶First World Hotel Indoor Theme Park和First World Cineplex暂时关闭! Reviewed by leesharing on 08:33:00 Rating: 5
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