Golden Screen Cinema(GSC)将推出特别优惠,电影票从RM 7.50起 !!



Golden Screen Cinema(GSC)推出特别优惠,电影票从RM 7.50起。


只要在 星期三傍晚6点前 观看电影都可以享有低廉的电影戏票。学生 和 乐龄人士 也可以在星期一至五傍晚6点前享有优惠的电影票。注意此票价包含了6%消费税和20%娱乐税。



条规 / Terms & Conditions 
1. 只在傍晚非周末/日6点前有效 / Valid for all movies before 6PM on weekdays.
2. 学生价需要出示学生卡 / Student rates are applicable with a valid student ID.
3. 55岁或以上乐龄人士将获得折扣 / Senior citizen rates are applicable to customers aged 55 and above based on NRIC.
4. 公共假期例外 / GSC Special Price rates are not applicable on public holidays.
5. 所有价格都可能变动 / All prices are subject to change without notice.

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Golden Screen Cinema(GSC)将推出特别优惠,电影票从RM 7.50起 !! Golden Screen Cinema(GSC)将推出特别优惠,电影票从RM 7.50起  !! Reviewed by leesharing on 10:34:00 Rating: 5
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