

每一年,我们的新年心愿是希望一年要比一年好,并信誓旦旦地保证我一定能完成年初定下的to do list。然而,每到年末,真正完成计划的人却寥寥无几。这些句子送给您,每天能够坚持并高效率地学习吧!

“the only way to do great work is to love what you dokeeping looking anddon't settleAs with all matters of the heartyou'll know when you find it-steve jobs做伟大的工作的唯一方法是爱你所做的不断的去寻找,不要祈求安逸跟随自己的心,总有一天你会找到的。——史蒂芬·乔布斯

“You only fall when you stop trying只有当你停止尝试的时候,你才会被击倒

“think-idea-try-do-do again-and again-keep doing-success!思考—计划—尝试—做—再做—继续做—不停的前进—成功!

“In lifewhat you really wantwill never come easy在生活中任何你想要的东西都不会来得那么容易

“Stay positive,work hardmake it happen保持积极努力工作然后梦想成真

“It's up to you to find beauty in the ugliest days在最难堪的日子里找到美取决于你

“Don't compare yourself to others.compare yourself to the person from yesterday不要拿自己和别人比而要和昨天的自己比


“Stay motivated and study hard保持上进,并且努力工作

Do what you have to do until you can do what you want to do

The darkest nights produce the brightest stars

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