1. What If I Fail – How Will I Recover?
Failure is inevitable if you take a multitude of risks. Think about learning to ride a skateboard. The first time you get on the board you are a bit wobbly. In fact, you will probably wipe out more times than you can keep count, but eventually you will get the hang of it and be riding around with ease. The thing about falling is that you have to know how. You roll with it instead of letting yourself crash flat onto the pavement and you start to get back on the board not letting fear get hold of you. When you are taking a risk you plan for a failure and how you will negotiate your way back into the game.
2. What If I Succeed?
Success is often the real reason people don’t take risks. We are afraid of our own power, abilities, and strengths and how that will rock the boat in our current lives. What we are afraid of isn’t our success, but the unknown. Your success will bring about new and exciting challenges that you can’t possibly predict.
“We fear things in proportion to our ignorance of them.” Christian Nestell Bovee
“我们会害怕很大程度上是由于我们的无知。”---Christian Nestell Bovee
微信ID:Leesharing. Line ID: @leesharing *
3. What’s Truly Worth Doing?
Options! That is often what stops us from taking a risk – too many good things in life to do! You have to just choose something and move forward. You can make a list of the pros and cons of each idea, but eventually you have to choose and not regret the decision that you made. Taking a risk is better then being in the forever pattern of wondering what to do.
4. What Went Right In This Failure?
Since failure in life is inevitable, if we do anything, it is important to reflect on what went right. Those are the things that you will keep when you take your next risk. Just like when you got on that skateboard and fell off, you quickly figured out what was working while you were riding down the path and you refine that over and over letting what didn’t work go. That refinement and reflection prepares you for your next leap!
微信ID:Leesharing Line ID: @leesharing *
5. What If I Didn’t Care What People Thought?
Thinking about what your parents, friends and family think is often what keeps us back from taking a risk on something we are passionate about. If your risk doesn’t impact them financially or their security it doesn’t matter what they think. People often don’t move forward because they are afraid someone is going to make fun of them or think they are crazy or stupid. Don’t stop yourself from living your dreams because of someone else’s opinion. At the end of your life you don’t want to regret doing what you really wanted to do.
6. What If I Don’t Have All The Answers?
You never will. It is that simple. You can prepare, plan and scope out your future with as much caution as you like, but you are not ultimately in control of everything. Life happens and it is so much better when you throw a little caution to the wind and ride with it!
微信ID:Leesharing88 Line ID: @leesharing * *
Reviewed by leesharing