Rapid KL优惠!学生折扣50% !!大学生小学生都有扣!附上申请步骤!
Rapid KL 推出学生卡优惠哦! 家里孩子还是小学生或者中学生的一定要申请,车费可以折扣50% !意思是说每次搭乘RapidKL 的时候只需付一半的价钱而已啊!
除了小学生中学生之外,大学生和学院生也可以享有50%折扣!! 搭乘RapidKL LRT、Monorail 、BRT Sunway Line 和 巴士服务时只需要付半价而已!!所以一定要申请!!
1. 浏览http://www.myrapid.com.my/tickets-fares/concession-cards
2. 下载申请表格
3. 前往Pasar Seni Bus Hub柜台提交申请
4. 申请时需要携带以下文件
Pasar Seni Bus Hub 柜台开放时间
9.00am - 5.00pm
给个like 吧!
Line ID: @leesharing ~
Rapid KL 推出学生卡优惠哦! 家里孩子还是小学生或者中学生的一定要申请,车费可以折扣50% !意思是说每次搭乘RapidKL 的时候只需付一半的价钱而已啊!
除了小学生中学生之外,大学生和学院生也可以享有50%折扣!! 搭乘RapidKL LRT、Monorail 、BRT Sunway Line 和 巴士服务时只需要付半价而已!!所以一定要申请!!
1. 浏览http://www.myrapid.com.my/tickets-fares/concession-cards
2. 下载申请表格
3. 前往Pasar Seni Bus Hub柜台提交申请
4. 申请时需要携带以下文件
- 身份证正副本
- 学生卡
- 入学证书
- 或可证明学生身份的文件
Pasar Seni Bus Hub 柜台开放时间
9.00am - 5.00pm
- Students in all category (Primary, Secondary, College and University).
- Fare Discount of 50% on Cash Rate for every journey on RapidKL LRT, Monorail , BRT (Bus Rapid Transit) Sunway Line and Bus services.
- Primary & Secondary students will enjoy the discounted fare up till age of 18 years old based on date of birth.
- College and University students will enjoy the same discounted fare and subject to yearly renewal.
- Applicants are required to bring the original and a duplicate copy of the MyKad/Passport for verification purposes.
- For college and university students, please refer below criteria and supporting documents needed for registration:
- Student card and original student confirmation letter (dated not more than 3 months) are required upon registration/renewal
- Study duration of above 6 months from the date of application and must be stated clearly in the confirmation letter
- Application must be made at our Concession Registration Counter located at Pasar Seni Bus Hub. Seven (7) working days are required to process the application.
- Operating hours - Monday to Saturday : (9am to 5pm)
- Notes: Concession card registration closed at 4pm daily
- This card is issued with RM5.00 card price. An initial purse value of RM5 is required, which is to be borne by the customer. For subsequent reloads, passengers may do so at all RapidKL LRT, Monorail, BRT stations and selected RapidKL Bus Hub-Seksyen 2 Shah Alam, Puchong Utama, Bandar Utama and Pasar Seni Bus Hub (minimum RM10).
- Passengers are required to maintain a minimum purse value of RM3 to use RapidKL services.
Line ID: @leesharing ~
Rapid KL优惠!学生折扣50% !!大学生小学生都有扣!附上申请步骤!
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