



1. 第一次给陌生同事写邮件:
It's my pleasure to write to you. I am …

2. 跟同事开会以后写邮件:
As discussed during the meeting, ...

3. 感谢同事回邮件:
Thanks for your reply. (Thanks for your prompt reply)

4. 告诉同事仅供参考:
FYI (For your information) For your reference

5. 让同事今天就回邮件:
Could you please reply to me by EOD today?EOD=end of day
6. 回别人的邮件回晚啦:
Sorry for the delayed response. I've seen your mail but couldn't respond earlier due to...

7. 邮件里带着个附件:
Please kindly find attached/enclosed…

8. 感谢别人的帮忙 (正式的说法):
I would appreciate your help in this matter.

9. 告诉别人有新消息会通知:
I’ll keep you posted.

10. 邮件末尾的结束语:
Look forward to hearing from you soon. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me

想要写出专业的Email,那一定要会这些邮件用语 想要写出专业的Email,那一定要会这些邮件用语 Reviewed by leesharing on 16:57:00 Rating: 5
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