英文学习营!让孩子在玩乐中学英文 ! Pirates Of The English Channel

嗬哟,我亲爱的战友们! 这个来临的学校假期, 当你在家里们的发慌;当你觉得世界如此沉闷无趣;当你开始思念你的同学朋友们;当你开始为别人的欢乐和自己的苦闷打抱不平;LELaC 在这里等你!


跟着我们一起扬帆起航吧! 我们保证,经历这番风雨后,当初那个懦弱又无能的你将不复再,在大众面前吞吞吐吐的恶梦已经是陈年往事! 你将成为一个智勇双全、热血和冷静皆备、且操着一口流利英语的海盗少年!


最终背水一战,我们将与诸位战友们一起将恶人俘虏,让他臣服于正义之下!还在愣着干嘛呢?快加入我们一起启程! 12月8日,在理科大学 LELaC码头约定你,一起展开这4天3夜的冒险之旅!嗬哟,起锚,扬帆!

欲知报名详情,请浏览我们的面子书专页 和 blog: 
1) 面子书专页:https://www.facebook.com/usm.lelac


Ahoy my hearties! This coming school holiday, when you are so fed up of being alone at home; when you feel unproductive all day, when you start missing your friends at school; when you feel the whole world is having fun but not you; LELaC is there for you!

Let us embark on the voyage to Treasure Island, into the waters of English Channel! What will happen throughout the journey? What kind of surprises and challenges await? What’s the treasure you’d discover? Who will be your future bunch of maties, treading the waters of the deep blue sea? There’s never a reason to wait! 

We promise, after this voyage, you will find your old, timid self abandoned, and never again you stutter when you speak in front of others! You will be a brave young English pirate with not only a hot-blooded soul, but also a clear mind!

In no time you will be able to grasp the beauty and thrill of speaking the universal tongue, and let the words flow out of your tongue like an artsy present being unfolded in front of your very eyes. The Captain of the ship will prepare you for the challenges ahead, while you learn voice modulations, choral speaking, acting, dramatic monologue and many more. You learn how to yell like a pirate, speak like one, sing like a hearty soul, and enjoy each other’s company as one!

In the end, you and your fellow crews will be the ones defeating the old nasty villain! Wondering who  that is? Make haste and join us! Our voyage embarks on the 8th of December, at  LELac USM Port, and it takes us 4 days and 3 nights to reach the realms of Treasure Island. Yo-ho-ho, weigh  anchor and hoist the mizzen!

Kindly refer to our Facebook page and blog for more details: 
1) FB page: https://www.facebook.com/usm.lelac 

2) Blog: http://lelacusm.weebly.com/about-us.html 


英文学习营!让孩子在玩乐中学英文 ! Pirates Of The English Channel    英文学习营!让孩子在玩乐中学英文 ! Pirates Of The English Channel Reviewed by we on 22:22:00 Rating: 5
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