McCafe 推出全新 Green Tea Latte!绿茶迷一定要试~
McCafe 推出全新 Green Tea Latte!绿茶迷一定要试~
McCafe从即日起推出绿茶拿铁。McCafe 所推出的全新 Green Tea Latte分为冷和热两种。芳香浓郁的绿茶配上丝绒般的热牛奶,顺滑甘甜的味道让人口齿留香。
想添加浓咖啡的朋友,可以额外缴付1令吉。 绿茶拿铁可以在全马的 McCafe 购买,只限 Dine-in 和 Take Away。
1. Prices are in Ringgit Malaysia and include GST, except in Langkawi and may vary according to restaurants.
2. Product shown are for illustration purposes only.
3. McCafe products are only available for dine-in and take-away.
4. McCafe operating hours vary according to restaurants.
5. Other terms and conditions apply
McCafe 推出全新 Green Tea Latte!绿茶迷一定要试~
Reviewed by leesharing