Malindo 机票大减价!最低只需要RM89!【机场税+飞机餐+行李】


Malindo 机票大减价!最低只需要RM89!【机场税+飞机餐+行李】
【Malindo 机票大减价!最低只需要RM89!】

Malindo Air  推出最新机票大减价活动哦!国际航班机票大减价!最低只需要RM89!飞往Phuket 只需RM119哦!想要去Phuket 的朋友可以预先订购机票了哦!只需RM119,包括机场税+飞机餐+行李!

促销活动:Malindo 机票大减价!最低只需要RM89!

Booking Period:now - 15 October 2017

Travel Period: now - 31 July 2018

Terms & Conditions:

  • Booking Period is from NOW till 15 October 2017
  • Travel Period is from NOW 2017 till 31 July 2018
  • This promotion is applicable on Malindo Air flights only.
  • This promotion is subject to seat availability.
  • Promo ticket is non-refundable for passengers who wish to cancel.
  • Not applicable for standby passengers.
  • Request of changing flight or departure date must be at least 4 hours before the departure time. 
  • Passenger(s) will be charged according to flight rate change fees at the point of purchase.
  • Malindo Air has the right to change or discontinue these special fares and conditions at any time without prior notice


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Malindo 机票大减价!最低只需要RM89!【机场税+飞机餐+行李】 Malindo 机票大减价!最低只需要RM89!【机场税+飞机餐+行李】 Reviewed by leesharing on 10:45:00 Rating: 5
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