【CIMB Bank】Cash Rebate at Guardian 回扣高达RM40


今日起至3 January 2016,只要在Guadian 分行使用CIMB BANK银行卡/信用卡付款的话,将获得RM15 或者RM40 的现金回扣哦!这项优惠只限于CIMB Bank 用户, 要获得现金汇款的最低消费是RM150.

只有在周末在guadian 消费才能享有Cash Rebate!

RM150.00 – RM349.99可获得RM15回扣!

马来西亚 好吃好玩好康头


 Terms and conditions:条例

1. Payment must be made with a CIMB Bank credit, debit and/or Kwik card.
需使用CIMB Bank银行卡/信用卡付款。

2. Campaign is valid only on Saturdays and Sundays from 21 November 2015 till 3 January 2016 

3. Spending is calculated based on aggregate amount spent utilising the principal and/or supplementary credit card, debit card and/or Kwik card within the same day.

4. *The cash rebate(s) given out under this Campaign is limited and capped at RM100,000 only during this Campaign Period and will be awarded on a first come first serve basis.

5. Cash rebate(s) will be credited to customers who are entitled to the cash rebate(s) by the 29th February 2016 into the relevant spending card account in the order of credit card account, debit card account and Kwik card account. 

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【CIMB Bank】Cash Rebate at Guardian 回扣高达RM40 【CIMB Bank】Cash Rebate at Guardian 回扣高达RM40 Reviewed by we on 22:00:00 Rating: 5
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