Me, myself, I, mine 傻傻分不清?原来这样用才对


me = 人稱代名詞受格
I = 人稱代名詞主格
myself = 反身代名詞
mine = 所有格代名詞


1. 人稱代名詞
I, me, my, you, your, he, him, his, she, her, it, its, we, us, our, they, them, their

2. 所有格代名詞
mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours, theirs

3. 反身代名詞
myself, ourselves, yourself, yourselves, himself, herself, itself, themselves

4. 指示代名詞
this, that, these, those

5. 疑問代名詞 
who, whom, whose, which, what, where
6. 關係代名詞
who, whose, whom, which, that

7. 不定代名詞
all, another, any, anybody, anyone, anything, both, each, everybody, everyone, everything, few, many, most, neither, nobody, none, nothing, oneself, other, some, somebody, someone, something


2.人稱代名詞 personal pronouns
主格:I, we, you, he, she, it, they
所有格:my, our, your, his, her, its, their
受格:me, us, you, him, her, it, them
讓 Ronnie 老師告訴你人稱代名詞的「主格」、「所有格」怎麼分辨:
基礎文法你會了嗎?代名詞介紹 (Basic English Grammar: Pronouns – SHE, HER, HE, HIS)
Jason was surprised that Jason’s girlfriend gave Jason a NBA ticket as a birthday gift.
Jason 很驚訝 Jason 的女朋友送 Jason 一張 NBA 球賽的門票當作生日禮物。
這個例句的主體是 “Jason”,在沒有適當使用代名詞的情況下,雖然短短一句卻用了三次,句子顯得十分累贅,講起來也怪怪的,若是把人稱代名詞加進來:
Jason was surprised that his girlfriend gave him a NBA ticket as a birthday gift.
Jason 很驚訝他的女朋友送他一張 NBA 球賽的門票當作生日禮物。
“his” 為第三人稱單數所有格的用法,用以表示「所擁有的」,通常後面會加上一個名詞
“him” 為第三人稱受格的用法,為接受物品或動作的對象

所有格代名詞 possessive pronouns
第一人稱:mine, ours
第三人稱:his, hers, its, theirs
Jerry’s pencil case is blue and mine is red.
Jerry 的鉛筆盒是藍色的而我的是紅色的。~
mine = my pencil case (人稱代名詞所有格+名詞)
反身代名詞 reflexive pronoun
以 -self (單數) 或 -selves (複數) 做為結尾,用以表示「自己的…」,通常可作動詞或介系詞的受詞,在同一個句子中講的是同個主體,也經常用於強調說話的語氣。
I am going to love myself and I don’t need anybody else.

Believe in yourself and others will, too.


Me, myself, I, mine 傻傻分不清?原来这样用才对 Me, myself, I, mine 傻傻分不清?原来这样用才对 Reviewed by leesharing on 20:32:00 Rating: 5
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