Bank Rakyat证实:使用Firefox以外或导致申请没被记录到!申请失败可再申请过!
Bank Rakyat证实:使用Firefox以外或导致申请没被记录到!申请失败可再申请过!
Bank Rakyat Management 表示KadS1M申请诺是使用Mozilla Firefox以外的Browser 或导致申请没有被记录到进去系统。呼吁大家尽快拨打电话至bank Rakyat 查询申请是否被成功记录到。诺申请没被记录到,必须重新申请。
时间:7.45am - 9.30pm
Monday - Friday
2)Clear All History 和 cache
5) 重新申请:
以上资讯来之Majlis Perwakilan Pelajar UMP
After communicating with the management of Bank Rakyat, a few speculations regarding the Kad Debit Diskaun Siswa 1 Malaysia (KADS1M) has been cleared as listed below.
1. The bank application system are compatible with only Mozilla Firefox.
- There are possibilities that some applications that were made through other web browser such as Google Chrome or Internet Explorer might NOT be recorded into the system.
2. How to know if your application have been recorded?
- Please feel free to call the customer service at 1-300-80-5454 from Monday to Friday(7.45AM-9.30PM) to make a confirmation on your application.
3. If your application have not been received, you can reapply by following the steps below. However, if your application have been accepted, please do not reapply to avoid redundancy of data.
-Open Mozilla Firefox
-Clear all your history and cache
-Close the browser
-Reopen Mozilla Fox and complete your application through
4. For any individual that has successfully applied but wish to make changes to your personal information, you can do so by calling 1-300-80-5454. Some changes that may be more confidential may need to be made at your nearest Bank Rakyat Branch on the advice of the bank.
5. For all applicants that have been accepted, be patient and wait for the email from the bank. The email will be sent out throughout a few phases. Last phase will be in September 2017.
6. Lastly, DO NOT believe in any scams or website that requires you to provide them with your personal information. Bank Rakyat have not released any statements or news through any other website. Please be aware.
Bank Rakyat证实:使用Firefox以外或导致申请没被记录到!申请失败可再申请过!
Reviewed by leesharing